Welcome to a new edition of STVO Wire! Valentine’s Day has come and gone. While I didn’t have a Valentine of my own, I had a great time with friends and was pleased with a news story that made me very delighted in the world of wrestling. Anyway, I’m going to talk about a few news stories from this week, share my predictions for this weekend’s Elimination Chamber PPV, and give an examination of this week’s movies! Let’s begin!
· Wrestling: From
411 Mania - Dixie Carter, officially announces via Twitter that former head of TNA/Impact Wrestling creative, Vince Russo has officially left the company. Dixie tweeted the following, “TNA and Vince Russo have mutually parted ways as of this week. The separation is amicable and professional. We are glad for the opportunity to have worked together and wish each other nothing but good luck and success in the future.”
My Take:
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! In my opinion, if there has been one major thing holding back Impact Wrestling for years, it was Vince Russo. Sure he has been a contributor to the success of the Attitude Era of the WWE, but he tends to overbook storylines and matches. Especially in TNA with a lot of wacky finishes. The recent London tapings and even the recent PPV, TNA Against All Odds were all solid wrestling shows. I was unable to catch last night’s Impact Wrestling, but seemed like a decent show from what I have read. I think Bruce Prichard as the head of TNA creative has been an excellent decision and hope it continues to improve the TNA product as a whole.
· TV/Animation: From
IGN - On March 3
rd Cartoon Network will be debuting their new Saturday morning block “DC Nation.” It will feature new episodes of the series Young Justice as well as new series “Green Lantern,” but it will features animated shorts about heroes such as Plastic Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. The shorts will be done by Lauren Faust (Power Puff Girls and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) and Aardman Studios (Wallace & Grommit). Also featured will be the return of the Teen Titans.
My Take: From the screen shots I have seen of Green Lantern, I’m kind of mixed on that show. It has somewhat of a sleek design but reminds me of early 3D computer animated programs. From what I have seen it lacks the detail of other programs, but I am willing to give the show a chance as long as it delivers in story. I have heard nothing but positive about Young Justice and while I have only seen one episode, I was very pleased. I’m not a Teen Titans fan at all, but I’m sure there will be many happy fans that it’s returning, if only in shorts. Why don’t I like Teen Titans you ask? Personally I never felt the anime/chibi style worked for a DC Universe show. Also Batman’s towel boy as the leader of a group of Superheroes would be like giving Big the Cat of Sonic the Hedgehog is own video game. I really like the animation of Aardman Studios and while I’m skeptical on them doing works on a hero such as Batman, they could be amusing shorts. I kind of feel like that style of animation shouldn’t be used for the DC Universe, at least not for big name heroes like Batman. Overall, I will try and give the DC Nation block a view, if only once.
· Music: From
New York Daily News - Former couple Rihanna and Chris Brown are working on a new song together called “Birthday Cake (Remix).” For those who may not know, Chris Brown has had his restraining order from Rihanna lifted from him last year for his 2009 assault charges on her.
This Week at The Movies
Now in 6 Words or less, my thoughts on the movies coming out this weekend!
· The Secret World of Arriety: It’s Miyazaki, it can’t be bad?
· Ghost Rider – Spirit of Vengeance: Hope it’s not like the first.
· This Means War: All this shit for Reese Witherspoon?
· Undefeated: Not interested but could be decent.
So What Am I Doing?
Currently Playing:
· Legend of Zelda – Skyward Sword: Slacking again, but still want to play more.
· Resident Evil Revelations: This game is one of the top reasons I can recommend for anyone to go out and buy a 3DS. A new from the ground up Resident Evil game featuring a very interesting story, amazing graphics, and surprisingly solid controls for a portable video game. I have not yet bought a Circle Pad Pro but I have been just fine with the standard controls of the 3DS for this game.
· DDR: Always playing.
· In-Time: Was a decent movie. The concept of living off of time was very cool and there were definitely some good action scenes throughout the movie. It wasn’t phenomenal, but I could recommend it. 7 out of 10.
· The Cell: This was a weird movie. To be honest, I stopped watching after awhile and decided to just return it.
· The League Season 2: This show is hilarious!
Coming Up:
· Following this post, I plan to order my white boots for my Danny Phantom costume. I hope to post a progress or even a completion update sometime in March.
· I just bought a camcorder from Best Buy, but they don’t have my camera in stock so I will have to pick it up on the 21st. I am in plans of possibly making a video next week, what the topic will be, I’m not exactly sure but it will either be with my new camera or just webcam, stay tuned.
· Less than 2 weeks away from Hawaii! I’m hoping I can shoot a few sights there and do something creative with them. Currently intend to do update from Hawaii, maybe if only through my Facebook Fan Page.
· Looking for more races in the area. If you are around Chicago or the neighboring suburbs, please let me know if you know of any races coming up as I am interested in signing up for some for my marathon training.
Support My Page and Other Causes:
Facebook Fan Page: Like My page today if you haven’t already. You will receive updates, random discussion, and other various links on when I update my page or post a new video.
YouTube Page: Videos will be posted on this site as well but I have started a YouTube page. Please subscribe and encourage others to do so.
MS Walk Donations Page: On May 6, I will be walking in the Naperville, IL walk for Multiple Sclerosis fund. I am looking to raise donations of up to $500 for this cause. I will be walking as apart of the Costumers With a Cause (CWC) group where I will be walking as Danny Phantom. For more details please visit my page.
WWE Elimination Chamber Predictions
WWE Elimination Chamber is this weekend. It’s the last Pay-Per-View prior to Wrestlemania and is the one that helps solidify both world championship matches. We all know Sheamus won the Royal Rumble and is guaranteed a slot, so this weekend we will find out who he will be able to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE Championship this weekend. Unfortunately I will not be catching the Elimination Chamber this weekend due to an obligation among friends, but I will be reading results and curious to know who wins.
World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match: Daniel Bryan © vs. Big Show vs. The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes: For those wondering why Randy Orton isn’t listed and Santino Marella is, well that’s because Randy Orton suffered and injury this Monday on Raw with his match with The Big Show. He landed wrong when giving The Big Show an RKO. He had a similar injury in December when working a falls count anywhere bout with Wade Barrett, so it isn’t too surprising that Randy Orton will be out. I’m curious as to if he will make it to Wrestlemania now?
Anyway moving away from Randy Orton, I am disappointed that they will be using Santino Marella as nobody believes he has a chance at winning this match. And if WWE were to be wacky to actually have him win, many fans casual and the IWC would not be too happy I’m sure. The Great Khali is another eyesore to this match because unless he has someone really good to work with him, he’s just boring to watch in the ring. Having those in the match really show how thing the Smackdown roster for WWE really is in terms of star power. Anyway, if those two are out of the match fairly quick, you have four superstars that actually can work so it shouldn’t be too bad of a match. Right now I’m predicting for Daniel Bryan to retain and go forward to taking on Sheamus at Wrestlemania in the WHC match. Like others have noted, this will be an amusing result as they were scheduled to have a United States Championship match at Wrestlemania last year and that ended up being bumped off the show into the dark match.
Who I Want To Win: Daniel Bryan Who I Think Will Win: Daniel Bryan
WWE Championship Elimination Chamber: CM Punk © vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz: I’m very sure this will be the better of the two Elimination Chamber matches. Look at the line-up in this match and compare it to the Smackdown match. For me I see two people I want to have a match at Wrestlemania and two people I could see winning. The first person is the champion, CM Punk, retaining. The second person is Chris Jericho. Here’s how I see it for this match. The Miz who I typed last on accident was the one person I forgot was actually in this match and right now through backstage politics is currently in the WWE’s doghouse. I do not see The Miz winning this match or being in the world title scene for a while now. Kofi and R-Truth may stand a better chance at winning than The Miz right now, but I just don’t see the WWE pulling the trigger with these two guys at the moment as Kofi has only returned to the main event/upper mid-card recently while it appears that WWE is going to try to make R-Truth a goofy mid-card face. Nothing wrong with R-Truth being a comedic face, just saying. Dolph Ziggler has a decent chance at winning. He has been in the main event for sometime, he put on a great match with CM Punk last month at the Royal Rumble, and his mic skills and ring-work are on fire. Right now though, it’s been hyped up prior to Jericho’s on-screen return and even in recent weeks of WWE television that they are interested doing a Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk match at Wrestlemania. They could throw a curve ball with Dolph Ziggler but I just doubt it. Anyway, my prediction will be that since last month we have had both champions retain their title, one belt will change hands. Chris Jericho will end CM Punk’s 3-month title reign and become the new WWE Champion which in return will lead to CM Punk invoking his rematch clause at Wrestlemania this year.
Who I Want To Win: CM Punk or Chris Jericho
Who I Think Will Win: Chris Jericho
John Cena vs. Kane in an Ambulance Match: This match has too obvious a result. I liked this feud at first but I’m not really sure why we needed Eve and Zack Ryder as a part of this feud. Kane beating the crap out of Zack every week got kind of old. I did feel bad for my broski Zack this Monday on Raw when Eve gave John Cena one hell of a kiss and then friend-zoned Zack. L Anyway, the one thing I have liked in this feud is that while Cena has had advantages over Kane, Kane definitely has gotten the best of Cena on many different occasions. I don’t foresee Kane making Cena embrace the hate this Sunday and I’m very well predicting we will see John Cena finally putting an end to Kane’s terror by putting him in an ambulance to put the feud to sleep. As for Eve and Zack Ryder, they might be involved in or after the match somehow, don’t know, don’t care, as long as Cena and Kane put on a decent match to settle the score and we have a good series of build up for Wrestlemania 28 with The Rock vs. John Cena.
Who I Want To Win: John Cena (Don’t See What Good Kane Winning Does)
Who I Think Will Win: John Cena
WWE Divas Championship Match – Beth Phoenix © vs. Tamina Snuka: No longer known as just “Tamina”, she has earned a number one contenders shot at Beth Phoenix for the Butterfly title. Normally I don’t give two craps about these matches, but I think there’s a possibility these two can pull off a decent match. Beth Phoenix (with the exception of maybe Kharma or Natalya Neidhart) is the best woman on their current roster. Tamina is the daughter of “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka and she actually does have talent. Here’s hoping they can put on a decent bout. As for the outcome, I see Beth retaining until Wrestlemania and something tells me, the dream women’s match of Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix will happen there, so why not have Beth retain?
Who I Want To Win: Beth Phoenix
Who I Think Will Win: Beth Phoenix
That’s all for this week’s edition of STVO Wire! Thanks for reading and keep checking back on here and the Facebook page for more updates!